Why a listing agent won’t show you houses
Dear David, We’re considering a move after ten years in the same neighborhood. When we see a For Sale sign go up on a house
Will the real estate market rebound?
Dear David, Our house was on the market for a few months in 2022, but didn’t sell. We’re getting older and need to be close
Feeling frustrated with buyers
Dear David, Our house has been on the market for a month. We are frustrated with the showing process and feel that several buyers have
Sale of a Buyer’s Property Condition (SBP)
Dear David, Our house had been on the market for a couple of months when we finally received a full price offer. It was conditional
Decks: should I build larger, or better quality?
Dear David, Our house is ten years old. The small back deck looks like an original builder’s model. It’s been adequate so far, but will
Guest bedroom or walk-in closet?
Dear David, We bought our house six years ago. It’s a four bedroom, 1,800 square foot two-storey in a neighbourhood we adore. We plan to