Title insurance: can I get it without a mortgage?
Dear David: I’ve owned my home since 1978. My mortgage is paid off. I’ve heard stories about people trying to steal property titles, and I’m
David Schooley, Broker
RE/MAX Twin City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Call/text +1 (519) 577-1212 | david@goinghome.ca
Dear David: I’ve owned my home since 1978. My mortgage is paid off. I’ve heard stories about people trying to steal property titles, and I’m
Dear David: Have seniors been putting off moving during the pandemic? – SHELTERED SENIOR DEAR SHELTERED: No matter what their age, real estate buyers and
Dear David: I’ve been watching the real estate market for the last several months and thinking about moving. A few local agents are advertising a
CMAs tend to be as subjective as the person who provides them, so to get the most out of your “freebie”, you’ll need to choose your agent carefully.
Take a deep breath before you succumb to sticker shock. Repairs may seem expensive, but it’s important to put them into perspective.
In Waterloo Region, those with imminent housing needs may find that a “socially distanced” marketplace can be a good thing.