How to handle buying high and selling low
Dear David, We bought our house at the peak of the market a few years ago. The price we paid was competitive at the time.
David Schooley, Broker
RE/MAX Twin City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Call/text +1 (519) 577-1212 | david@goinghome.ca
Dear David, We bought our house at the peak of the market a few years ago. The price we paid was competitive at the time.
Dear David, My husband and I have been looking for our next home for awhile, but it seems like there is always something we disagree
Dear David, Two of my friends bought homes this spring. They had to purchase without conditions and found it to be nerve-wracking. I’ve heard that
Dear David, We are retiring in a couple of months. We plan to sell our current home, buy a summer cottage in Canada, and spend
Dear David: We built our home in 1971. A few years later, we had urea formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) installed through a government program. I
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