Ask David
Stuck beside a run down semi, Secondary suites
Dear David, We own a semi in a modest neighbourhood. My husband wants to jazz it up with a concrete drive, new kitchen, new bathroom
David Schooley, Broker
RE/MAX Twin City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Call/text +1 (519) 577-1212 | david@goinghome.ca
Dear David, We own a semi in a modest neighbourhood. My husband wants to jazz it up with a concrete drive, new kitchen, new bathroom
Dear David, We’ve seen almost 40 houses and are struggling to choose one. Help! – FROZEN DEAR FROZEN: This sounds to me like a “failure
Dear David, I am wondering whether a fence adds to the value of a home? – CURIOUS DEAR CURIOUS: The quick answer to your question
Dear David, With all the changes we are seeing in the real estate market, are we in trouble? – NERVOUS DEAR NERVOUS: When it comes