Can buyers and sellers share a lawyer, retirement units taking longer to sell
Sharing a lawyer with your buyer is not the way for home sellers to save money.
David Schooley, Broker
RE/MAX Twin City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Call/text +1 (519) 577-1212 | david@goinghome.ca
Sharing a lawyer with your buyer is not the way for home sellers to save money.
If offers are being held on a property, a buyer may try to side-step a potential bidding war by submitting a bully offer.
It’s common for divorcing couples to assume the equity in their matrimonial home will be split 50/50, but the division of assets can be complicated.
There are small but significant differences in the way that real estate is practiced from one province to the next.
Market evaluations are subjective. As such, they can be vastly different. If an evaluation sounds too good to be true, make sure the Realtor can back up their numbers.
In the last fifty years of sales data, there have been only a few months here and there in which average sale prices have declined, and they’ve always recovered quickly.