Does a hidden dog fence have to stay with the house?
Fixtures and chattels have enormous potential to become a source of friction between buyers and sellers.
David Schooley, Broker
RE/MAX Twin City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Call/text +1 (519) 577-1212 | david@goinghome.ca
Fixtures and chattels have enormous potential to become a source of friction between buyers and sellers.
In reviewing thousands of offers, I often see agents who could protect their clients to a higher degree with just a few extra words.
It’s essential for buyers to seek professional advice early on, if they are to navigate their home search effectively.
If offers are being held on a property, a buyer may try to side-step a potential bidding war by submitting a bully offer.
We have an offer on our home that’s conditional upon financing for 10 days. Can we accept another offer in the meantime?
Dear David, We recently sold our home. The buyers have asked to add another buyer to the agreement before it closes. Should we be worried?