CMA (Comparable Market Analysis)…how useful is it?
CMAs tend to be as subjective as the person who provides them, so to get the most out of your “freebie”, you’ll need to choose your agent carefully.
David Schooley, Broker
RE/MAX Twin City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Call/text +1 (519) 577-1212 | david@goinghome.ca
CMAs tend to be as subjective as the person who provides them, so to get the most out of your “freebie”, you’ll need to choose your agent carefully.
The Buyer Representation Agreement is like having a matchmaking service for your property search.
Is the existence of the rental unit your main concern, or is it the tenant who is “hanging out” between your houses?
No buyer’s agent wants to ask their client to pay a fee that the seller usually covers.
In reviewing thousands of offers, I often see agents who could protect their clients to a higher degree with just a few extra words.
When a vacant land condo complex is complete, it looks pretty much like a regular subdivision.